An Introduction
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alison, and I’m 44 years old. Like every human being, I’ve carried many identities throughout my years. All of them facets of the person I am now. I haven’t lived the most exciting life, but I think I’ve had some interesting experiences. I would love to talk about them in the hopes that they may help someone else feel less alone.
I have a lot of opinions and am passionate about pretty much everything. I’ve always had an intense fascination with the concept of social justice and equality. From a young age I was deeply disturbed by the idea that the world wasn’t fair and that not everyone was treated the same. This feeling has grown and morphed into something greater as I got older and gained knowledge and experience. I tried to find just the right niche to try and make a positive impact. I’m an artist, so I began to create political art. The first piece I did was one in 2017 right after the Women’s March in Washington DC.
This was done shortly before I found out I needed brain surgery, but that’s a story for another time.
I’m a wife, a sister, and an aunt. My partner has requested that they not be discussed here on this Substack and I will respect their wishes.
I’m a person who has mental health issues and autoimmune disease.
I’m a mask-wearing, immunocompromised person who wishes that others cared as much about trying to protect the community from Covid as I do.
I’m a person who lost both parents in my 30’s under difficult circumstances.
I’m someone who lives a frugal lifestyle and would love to occasionally post about some of the tips and tricks I use to make food stretch. Especially given the current situation with high food prices.
I’m someone who loves deeply; feels emotion deeply. All of the terrible things that are happening in the world; the inequalities and brutality that exist. I feel it all. I also recognize and acknowledge that I am incredibly privileged. I’m trying hard to take that privilege and use it to influence society for the better.
I pay close attention to current events and try to educate myself about the history I was never taught in school. I’m a firm believer that no knowledge is ever wasted.
But most of all I am an artist. Creativity is what drives me. Well, that and food. I use so many different mediums to create things that are beautiful, interesting, and meaningful. I’m a crafter who works with yarn, wire, and fabric. I’m an artist with a digital tablet, ink, and paint.
And now I write. I have no idea if anyone will actually read this. But it feels so right and so good to write. If you have gotten this far thank you for reading this. And I hope something here sparks your interest. This is barely scratching the surface of who I am and what I have to say. And I hope you stick around to hear the rest.